Working Hours:
7:00 - 17:00 (Moscow)     8:00 - 20:00 (Beijing)     every day
and development
of technical

Technical Engineering Services

The need for these services arises in cases where a company implementing international projects does not have full-time technical specialists, and it is not advisable to recruit them on a regular basis due to the uneven workload, or in cases where the company cannot quickly find a technical specialist with knowledge of a foreign language.

Our team has been handling various technical issues for many years, our employees took part in the implementation of a large number of international projects, among which the following should be especially noted:

  • Construction of power unit No. 10 with a capacity 660 MW for the Troitsk State District Power Station
  • Expansion and reconstruction of Ekibastuz State District Power Station-2 with the installation of a power unit of st. No. 3 with a capacity of 636 MW
  • Desulfurization project of power unit No. 10 with a capacity of 660 MW for the Troitsk State District Power Station
  • Kazakhstan-China Gas Pipeline

In addition to participating in international projects, our technical specialists also have many years of experience working in large Russian enterprises; in-depth knowledge of current scientific and technical standards, and standards in the energy, mining and other industries.

Currently, our range of services in this category includes:

  • Participation in Sino-Russian projects as technical expert consultants;
  • Engineering and technical support of projects;
  • Field visits to plants for inspection and quality control, including reporting.

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